This panel discussion, moderated by Cheryl Whitelaw from the Alberta Mentorship Program, opens our Community Connector Circle Series with a look at networking and the Connector Program. In Canada 35 communities have a Connector program to support newcomers to build career connections. The panel included: Alida Campbell, Manager of the National Connector Program, Kariem Reda, Connector Program Coordinator at Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC), Glenys Reeves-Gibbs, Project Coordinator of the Lloydminster Mentorship Project (LMP). We are pleased to have panelists who bring diverse perspectives of how networking works related to career transitions for newcomers and how mentoring and networking can work together. In our panel discussion we will look at:1. How networking and the Connector Program bridge the gap between newcomers and employers.2. The benefits that can arise from connector events for newcomers, employers, and stakeholders.3. How mentoring and connector programs support career transition and workforce development outcomes.4. How elements of these programs can be used to start up new programs – with a focus on an emerging program in Lloydminster.