The Alberta Immigration Mentorship Network is building a culture of career mentorship across the province. Our program focuses on immigrants in rural and small urban communities. The goal is to help these newcomers become part of the Albertan workforce and economy.

Your company can become a partner in this program by working with a mentoring program in your community.

How does it work?

The Alberta Immigration Mentorship Network is supporting the development and design of mentorship programs across Alberta. This website supports these community programs with free resources to support the program administrators, mentors, and mentees. It will also share mentorship stories and list mentorship programs across the province.

The Alberta Immigration Mentorship Network is building a culture of career mentorship across the province.

Part of our mandate is to connect to employers who are looking for:

  • Professional development opportunities for their current employees.
  • Capable, new Canadians who are prepared for their transition to the Canadian workforce.

The Alberta Immigration Mentorship Network can help you by connecting you to a mentorship program in your community. As a partner, your company can:

  • Encourage your employees to become mentors in the community mentorship program.
  • Be open to hiring mentees who have finished the program and are a good fit for your company.
  • Promote the program in the community to encourage other employers to become partners.

By partnering with a mentorship program, your company can reap all the benefits of a mentorship program and help to build a mentoring culture in your community and across the province.

Who is involved?

The Alberta Immigration Mentorship Network is a joint project of mentorship and employment organizations and the Alberta and federal governments.

Become a Partner

Contact us to find mentorship programs running in your community.